Data Management and Cookie Information
customers and partners


The Law Office of Dr Balatonfüred wishes to ensure the legality of data processing with regard to the personal data it manages. To this end, it informs its customers and partners about the processing of the personal data provided by them. The purpose of this information is that, before providing your personal data, you can receive appropriate information about the conditions and guarantees under which the Dr Balatonfüred Law Office handles your personal data, what organizational and technical measures it has taken to protect your personal data, and also inform you about the way and options for exercising your rights.

1. Name of data controller
The maintainer of the website and the manager of personal data are the same.
Név: Law Office of Dr. Balatonfüredi
Székhely: 1133 Budapest, Kárpát utca 11. II/2.
E-mail cím:
Telefonszám: +3618780450
Képviselő: Dr Balatonfüredi Sándor ügyvéd

2. Applicable legislation
– Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free flow of such data and repealing Regulation 95/46/EC (“GDPR”);
- Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code ("Ptk.");
– CXII of 2011 Act on the right to information self-determination and freedom of information ("Info TV")
- Act LXXVIII of 2017 on lawyer activity. law (Uttv.”);
- on the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing and

-Data manager: the natural or legal person or organization without legal personality who, independently or together with others, makes and implements the decisions related to data management (including the device used), or implements them with the data processor;
- Data handling: regardless of the procedure used, any operation or set of operations performed on personal data or data files in an automated or non-automated manner, such as the collection, recording, organization, segmentation, storage, transformation or change, query, viewing, use, communication, transmission, distribution or by making it available in other ways, coordination or connection, restriction, deletion or destruction.
– Personal data all information related to an identified or identifiable natural person (data subject). All information, the collection of which can lead to the identification of a certain person, is also considered personal data. Personal data in particular: name, residential address, mother's name, place and time of birth, residential address). A natural person can be identified directly or indirectly, in particular on the basis of an identifier such as a name, number, location data, online identifier or one or more factors relating to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of the natural person identifiable;

- Affected: Clients, persons affected by the performance of the lawyer's assignment.

– Consent of the affected person: can be identified on the basis of one or more factors relating to the voluntary, specific and appropriate social identity of the data subject; informed and clear declaration, by means of which the concerned statement or an act clearly expressing the confirmation indicates that he gives his consent to the processing of the personal data concerning him.

4. Liability

The Website and social media pages maintained by the Data Controller are personal to anyone you can access it freely and without restrictions without disclosing your data or revealing your identity you can obtain information from all content stored on them. On the website some of the links may, in justified cases, lead to websites operated by others, for their content the operator of the website assumes no responsibility and excludes any responsibility for this in the event of damage resulting from the use of information. The website operator is accurate and strives to provide authentic information, but for possible damages resulting from the information assumes no responsibility.

5. Data protection
The temporal validity of this Privacy Statement (hereinafter the statement) is January 4, 2021. from date until withdrawal. The Dr. Balatonfüredi Law Firm (hereinafter referred to as the Firm) handles the personal data disclosed by you to the Firm in accordance with the provisions hereof. The material scope of the declaration covers all processes carried out in all organizational units of the Office, during which the processing of personal data defined in Article 4, point 1 of the GDPR is carried out.

6. Data management rules
6.1. It is possible to process personal data only in order to exercise a right or fulfill an obligation. The Office processes personal data only for a specific purpose, in order to exercise a right and fulfill an obligation, to the minimum extent and for the time necessary to achieve the purpose. Data management must meet the purpose at all stages - and if the purpose of data management ceases or the data management is otherwise illegal, the data will be deleted. The Office processes personal data only if the person concerned consents to it, or it is ordered by law or - based on the authority of the law, within the scope defined therein - by a local government decree for a purpose based on public interest.

The Office provides information on the data subject's request related to the processing of personal data on the data subject's data managed by it or processed by the data processor commissioned by it or at its disposal, their source, the purpose, legal basis, duration of the data processing, the name and address of the data processor and the activities related to data processing, and - in the case of transmission of the data subject's personal data - the legal basis and recipient of the data transmission. The Office will provide the requested information in writing as soon as possible, but no later than 30 days after the submission of the application. The Office only rejects the request for the reasons specified in Article 12 (2) and (5) b) of the GDPR, and this is only done with justification, information specified in Article 12 (1) of the GDPR, and in writing. The data subject has the right to request the restriction, deletion or blocking of the processing of data relating to him in relation to voluntary data processing. Deletion can be initiated by submitting a written request to the Office. If the necessary data and, if necessary, the public documents proving them are available, the Office will correct data that does not correspond to reality, and in the event of the existence of the reasons specified in Article 17 (1) of the GDPR, it will take measures to delete the handled personal data. The data subject may object to the processing of his personal data (GDPR Article 21. If the objection is legal, the Office may no longer process the personal data. If the objection is rejected, the data controller must justify its decision in the same form as the objection was submitted. can turn.

The data subject can contact the NAIH (National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority) with a complaint about the Office's data management procedure: headquarters: 1024 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 22/C., website:

7. Data management by the Office
7.1. Place of data management: 1133 Budapest, Kárpát utca 11. II/2., 8000 Székesfehérvár, Budai út 49-51/C.
7.2. Website data management
Anyone can access the Office's own website without revealing their identity or providing their personal data, and can obtain information freely and without restrictions on the website and the pages linked to it. However, the website collects unlimited and automatic information about visitors. However, no personal data can be obtained from these data, so Infotv. and does not implement data management under the scope of the GDPR Regulation yes.The website uses the web analytics service Google Analytics. Google uses the above information to evaluate and analyze your use of the website, to compile reports on the activities performed on the website, and to provide other services related to the activities performed on the website and Internet use.
The website uses the web analytics service Google Analytics. Google uses the above information to evaluate and analyze your use of the website, to compile reports on the activities performed on the website, and to provide other services related to the activities performed on the website and Internet use.
7.3. Order-related data management
7.3.1. Anyone can contact the Office via the Office's public contacts and the "Contact" menu item on the website. During the contact, the data subject decides on the handling of the personal data provided by him. The data subject provides the legal basis for data management by voluntarily providing the data to the Office for the purpose of contact based on prior information.
7.3.2. Purpose of data management
In order to fulfill the lawyer's assignment, it is essential that we manage all information related to the case, which also includes personal identification data and other information related to the Client, the adverse party, witnesses, other participants in the proceedings, and other information necessary for handling the case.
7.5. Scope of processed data
- natural personal identification data, - residential address, - citizenship, statelessness, refugee, immigrant, settled or EEA citizen legal status, - in the case of a legal entity, the name, position, telephone number, e-mail address of the contact person -; – other personal data necessary for handling the case; - Other personal data required for handling the case based on legislation, e.g. – the list is not complete – :

  • Inytv. 32. § (1) para. based on point a), the personal identifier of the natural person,
  • Ctv. 24. § (1) ara. based on point h), the tax identification number of the senior official, the person entitled to be represented,
  • Ctv. 24. § (1) para. k), the name and place of residence of the legal representative of the minor member
    – During a company visit, personal data exceeding the data content of the company register (e.g. birth surname and first name, place of birth, identity card number, official ID card number confirming residential address) will be indicated in some company documents (e.g. sample signature).
    – Personal data voluntarily provided by the customer in addition to the requested data.
    – the type and number of the identification document used for identification,
    – the identifier of the response received during the legal transaction security check,
    – the case identifier of the cases in which the identification of the natural person is mandatory,
    – name, e-mail address, phone number, contact information, description of the case.
    7.6. Legal basis for data management:
  • Pursuant to Article 6(1)(b), steps to be taken at the request of the data subject in order to fulfill the contract or conclude the contract
  • Article 6 (1) point f) legitimate interest (according to the ethical and responsibility rules for lawyers)
  • Pursuant to Article 6 (1) point c), the fulfillment of a legal obligation under the Law on Lawyers.
  1. according to Article (1) point a) the consent of the data subject.
    7.7. Data storage deadline: 8 years from the date of contact, unless in some cases the law establishes a longer deadline.
    7.8. Method of data storage: electronically, on a password-protected computer.
    7.9. Data processing:
  2. Data of the hosting provider:
    Mailing address: Magyarország 1148 Budapest, Fogarasi út 3-5.
    Company registration number: -01-09-882068
  3. Data processing
    During the processing of personal data, the Office does not disclose personal data to third parties, the Office does not use data processors and does not transmit data during data transmission.
  4. Changing the data management information statement
    The Office reserves the right to amend the declaration. If the amendment affects the use of your personal data, you will be informed of the changes in the form of an e-mail information letter. If the details of the data management change as a result of the amendment of the declaration, the Office will ask you for the consent of the data subject.
  5. Cookies

In order to provide customized service, the Office and the designated external service providers store a small data package on the client's computer, the so-called cookies are placed and read back. If the browser returns a previously saved cookie, the cookie management service provider has the opportunity to link the customer's data saved during current visits with previous ones, but only with regard to its own content. The "Help" function found in the menu bar of most browsers provides information on whether the client's own browser

– how to disable cookies,

– how to accept new cookies,

– how to instruct your browser to set a new cookie, or

– how to disable other cookies.

If the customer does not want Google Analytics to measure the above data in the manner and for the purpose described, install the blocking add-on in their browser.

  1. Questions not specified in this information
    Questions not specified in this information The rules of the GDPR and the Data Protection and Legal (Data Security) Statement of the Office govern matters not specified in this information.
  2. January "…."
    dr Balatonfüredi Sándor lawyer
    Law Office of Dr. Balatonfüredi
    A Dr Balatonfüredi Ügyvédi Iroda székhelye Budapest XIII. kerületében található. Az ügyvédi iroda működésére az Üttv rendelkezései és a kamarai szabályzatok irányadók. A Magyar Ügyvédi Kamara ( által elfogadott 6/2018. (III. 26.) számú, az ügyvédi hivatás etikai szabályairól és elvárásairól szóló MÜK szabályzattal összhangban és az elektronikus kereskedelmi szolgáltatások, valamint az információs társadalommal összefüggő szolgáltatások egyes kérdéseiről szóló 2001. évi CVIII. törvény 4. §-ának
    megfelelően, az ügyvédi iroda az alábbi adatokat közli honlapján:

Name of the office: Law Office of Dr. Balatonfüredi
Headquarter 1133 Budapest, Kárpát utca 11. II/2.
Tel: +3618780450
The law firm is managed by the Budapest Bar Association (1055 Budapest, Szalay utca 7.) registered (bar association registration number: 4561)
Tax number: -19037909-1-41

Bank account number: 10102244-54954000-01000002

Hosting provider: DotRoll Kft.

Mailing address: Magyarország 1148 Budapest, Fogarasi út 3-5.
Company registration number: -01-09-882068
Website manager:
Name: Dr Balatonfüredi Sándor
Mailing address: 1133 Budapest, Kárpát utca 11. II/2.
Chamber registration number: 15046

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